Teach Yourself Portrait Photography
Teach Yourself Portrait Photography
PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER’S BUYER’S GUIDE • Here’s our guide to the best bodies, lenses and must-have Can equipment for shooting perfect portraits
PICKING THE BEST BODY • Beauty is in the eye – and camera body – of the beholder
GOING TO GREAT LENGTHS • Choosing the right focal length is the key to creating classic portraits
PORTRAIT ESSENTIALS • Must-have equipment and accessories that every portrait photographer should own
50 PRO PORTRAIT SECRETS • Discover how top professional photographers capture stunning people shots with this compendium of expert advice
THE ART OF POSING FOR PORTRAITS • Learn to pose both male and female models and produce captivating portraits full of emotion
PORTRAITS With IMPACT • Discover how to create incredible images that convey a sense of character
CREATE STUNNING PORTRAITS INDOORS • Discover the essential tips and kit advice with our guide to the techniques used by the professionals
ESSENTIAL SKILLS FOR OUTDOOR PORTRAITS • Follow our hands-on guide and discover how to get professional-looking results every time
MASTER THE ART OF BACKLIT PORTRAITS • Learn how to create dramatic and creative images when you shoot into the Sun
5 ESSENTIAL TRICKS FOR LIGHTING • Master portrait photography with this easy-to-follow guide to professional lighting setups
SHOOT PRO MALE PORTRAITS • Take incredible shots of male models with our in-depth guide to the techniques you need to master
CAPTURE FAMILY PORTRAITS • Master the art of family photography with our in-depth guide to getting the most from group portraiture
CREATE PRO PORTRAITS ON LOCATION • Find out the secrets behind shooting environmental portraits
DISCOVER THE SECRETS OF CREATIVE PORTRAIT EXPOSURES • Capture incredible pictures of people using in-camera techniques
CAPTURE PORTRAITS WITH GELS • Take your portrait photography to the next level by making creative use of coloured gels
SHOOT A FASHION PORTRAIT • Create beautiful images with these studio lighting and editing techniques
LIGHT A PORTRAIT ON LOCATION • Pro shooter Tom Barnes reveals how to create an atmospheric character study using flash
SHOOT A CHARACTER PORTRAIT • Use natural settings and daylight to create simple but powerful studies
USE FLASH FOR MODERN PORTRAITS • Discover how to capture glitzy Hollywood-inspired portraits in your own living room
USE ND FILTERS FOR FLASH • Create professional shallow depth-of-field effects, even in bright ambient light
CAPTURE PORTRAITS WITH PRISMS • Discover how to enhance your portraits with these simple accessories
SUBSCRIBE & SAVE UP TO 61% • Delivered direct to your door or straight to your device
SHOOT AND EDIT A CREATIVE PORTRAIT • Learn to produce interesting and attention-grabbing images with a simple studio setup and Photoshop
COMBINE CREATIVE LENSES WITH COLOURED GELS • Learn how to shoot and edit an alluring portrait using this incredible technique with pro photographer Jake Hicks